The New Mate Can Be A Threat To Grandparent Access
December 3, 2018
Being single parent until the kids grow up can be a lonely place for parents. The problem with developing new relationships as a single parent is the danger imposed upon a child's safety and further destruction of the family unit, especially with extended family members. Grandparents.
The new guy has trouble adjusting to the in-laws because of the reminder that it brings of his new woman's previous relationship. The new guy wants to rule the roost without pesky family intrusion, including both sets of grandparents.
When the non-biological male and sometimes female enter the household changes are on the horizon, the biggest being alienation of grandparents.
If these moms and dads would focus more on their parental responsibility, which is to put their children first, homes would be a safer place and grandparents wouldn't be shut out.