Latest Book
Just finished reading this today.
The great rescue by Diamond’s grammy had me from the start, followed by giggles as Diamond told of her adventures with Grammy and exactly what she thought of people and other pups.
As I got to the last few pages I found myself in tears.
A must read for dog lovers.
By Carol
I Just finished reading "Diamond Is A Girl’s Best Friend,” I started crying in the beginning and then when you went to humor laughing. Wonderful tribute to Diamond and I think if she could read (and I know you think she could) she would say what’s all the fuss about but would be so happy. You wrote a very touching real life story about your child. And loved that she was telling it. Can’t wait till I can buy a couple more books.
By Diana
Grand Distance
What happens when the balance of the grandparent-grandchild relationship is interrupted?
It’s a losing situation for everyone involved, and while children have no voice and no choice, it’s the grandparents who do.
Faced with a stay away letter from the parents, an act protected by California law, Susan Hoffman sought an alternative course of action to share in her grandson’s life, leading her to become an “undercover grandma” of sorts.
Susan then successfully took on the challenge to change that California law, building a nationwide support system for other disenfranchised grandparents along the way.